þþþ DOCUMENATION þþþ LUNARCELIPSE VERSION 1.5E (c) Copyrigth 1994 by Christian Nueesch Christian Nueesch Haldenstrasse 12 CH - 8320 Fehraltorf Switzerland FAX : ++41 1 955 13 93 þþþ FILES þþþ LUNECL.EXE : Mainprogram LUNECL.CFG : Configuration file MANUAL.TXT : This file REGISTER.TXT : Registration file REGISTER.EXE : Creates Software-key ( use password ) þþþ COPYRIGHT þþþ (c) Copyrigth 1994 by Christian Nueesch. Lunareclipse is not Public Domain Software. This program is SHAREWARE. This means a programmer has prepared software which you are free to copy, and share with others, but the author requests a registartion fee for you to continue legal use and receive additional benefits.You are encouraged to use the software and, pay the final registartion fee to the author to become legally registered. þþþ DISCLAIMER þþþ The Autor makes no warranty of any kind, either express or implied,including but not limited to implied warranties of merchanta- bility and fitness for a practicular purpose. In no event shall the Author liable for any damages (including damages for loss of busniess information business interruption,loss os business profits, or other preuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this program. þþþ HARDWARE þþþ 640 KB RAM and VGA or EGA Configuration. You may start the program from Disk or Harddisk. Hercules-Adapter : No Graphics. þþþ PROGRAM þþþ With this program you can see any Lunareclipse from 1800 to 2300. This shareware version is fully functional. First , after you started the program you must enter the year.Then you can choose your Lunareclipse with the up/down arrow.Press Enter to take. Funktion keys : F1..F4 : Interval in minutes. F5 : Animation ( Interval select by F1..F4). F6 : Summertime/Wintertime. ( Only used in Europe ). F7 : Big Picture. You can see a big Picture ( Without position data ). F8 : Info. ESC : Quit program. Thats all ! þþþ CONFIGURATION þþþ Edit the file LUNECL.CFG like this : PLACE=Las Vegas --> Name of Place. LONGITUDE=115.15WL --> EL=East WL=West Latitude. LATITUDE=36.17NB --> NB=North SB=South Longitude. ZONE=-9 --> Timezone : MEZ=1 PT=-9 GMT=0 .. Please write the words PLACE= LATITUDE= e.t.c correct. See LOCATION.TXT þþþ REGISTER.EXE þþþ You can Register your copy of Planetarium V6.0 , you just need the serialnumber and a password. REGISTER.EXE creates the Software-Key. ( See FREEREG.TXT ). Christian Nueesch.